Waldorf DUI Attorney

Drunk driving arrest numbers are relatively high in Waldorf for a variety of reasons. First, the Charles County Sheriff has a special interest in making a large number of DUI arrests as compared to other crimes. The Sheriff frequently conducts sobriety checkpoints, which they like to call sobriety checkpoints. Make no mistake about it; the Sheriff’s office does not conduct these checkpoints to assure that everyone is sober. Rather they conduct the checkpoints to make drunk driving arrests. In 2011 the Charles County Sheriff conducted 7 DUI checkpoints in the city and in the more rural areas of the county. During these 7 checkpoints, over 4,000 vehicles were stopped and involuntarily investigated for drunk driving. The Sheriff did not release exactly how many arrests took place, but 7 checkpoints in one calendar year is more than most counties in Maryland, including much larger counties. DUI arrests are also common here due to the fact that it the city has a large population of commuter residents. Thousands of residents commute to Washington D.C. and Annapolis each day, and because there is an obvious lack of viable public transportation in the county these residents are forced to drive. In addition, there are few major highways in and out of Waldorf, as most commuters travel on Crain Highway or 301, and the Blue Star or Highway 5. The County Sheriff tends to patrol these highways for signs of impaired drivers, and when in doubt will conduct a traffic stop and make an arrest.
The Waldorf DUI lawyers at The Herbst Firm understand how important it is for all Charles County residents to be able to keep their drivers license. If you have been arrested for drunk driving, we will fight the minute we are hired to allow you to keep your license, and we will fight the prosecuting lawyers with the best possible defenses to achieve a successful outcome in your case. Call or email the Firm today for your case evaluation and consultation.