Unauthorized Removal of Property

Many defendants are caught off guard when they hear about these minimum mandatory penalties, and without the right legal representation the jail time could prove to be a harsh reality. The Herbst Firm has represented clients charged with the unauthorized removal of property, and understands the how to prevent the mandatory sentences from being imposed. We will fight to have your charges reduced or dismissed by filing various evidentiary motions and negotiating with the state’s attorney’s office. Keep in mind that the prosecutor has to prove each and every element of this charge beyond a reasonable doubt. This means that there has to be evidence that the defendant actually took the property from the custody of the rightful owner. It is not enough that the defendant was simply in possession of a stolen boat, car, or animal. We have seen cases where innocent parties were charged with this crime for simply having a stolen car or boat on their property. In some cases the defendant had no clue that the car was stolen and simply received the car to perform mechanics work on it. Unfortunately police officers tend to look for the easiest way to close a case, and this can result in an innocent third party being charged with a serious crime. Do not gamble with your freedom by walking into court without an experienced defense attorney! We are standing by to offer a free consultation about your case and which defenses would best be suited to you. In addition, Mr. Herbst will travel to meet with you or a loved one wherever it is convenient to discuss your case.