DWI is one of the most common arrestable offenses for a variety of reasons. Over the last 20 years there has been increased pressure from the federal government, as well as from private lobby groups such as MADD and SADD to combat the presence of these cases Maryland and in all states. These lobby groups have spent millions of dollars educating the public and the police about how to crack down, and one way to satisfy the lobby groups is to arrest more people. The federal government has also contributed millions to DWI education but it's greatest influence on the crime was the establishment of standard blood alcohol limits. The legal drinking limit of .08 is a level that was indirectly set by the federal government. Under the constitution, the federal government may not directly require a state to abide by a specific legal blood alcohol limit for drunk driving cases, but the feds may withhold certain types of funding if the states choose to ignore a legal blood alcohol limit. To avoid losing federal government funding Maryland enforces the standard .08 legal blood alcohol limit, but also takes it one step further with the .07 legal limit for DWI alcohol cases.
A driver may be charged with DWI if his or her blood alcohol level is above .07 but less than .08. Therefore, when it comes to blood alcohol levels while driving Maryland is one of the stricter states in the country. On the other hand, our state penalties are about average in terms of maximum punishments. A defendant charged with this crime faces a maximum jail sentence of 2 months, and a $500 fine. The maximum jail sentences and fines can increase if a minor is present in the car at the time the defendant was driving, or if the defendant has prior convictions. Prosecutors may use convictions from another state to seek enhanced punishments in Maryland cases.
This charge typically involves drug use, but can involve alcohol when a defendant chooses to submit to a breathalyzer test. In rare cases, a defendant may be charged with DWI if he or she is involved in an auto accident with serious injury or death and a blood test reveals a blood alcohol level between .07 and .08, but the person is not charged vehicular homicide. If you or someone you know has been arrested for drunk driving, contact The Herbst Firm for a free consultation.