Anne Arundel County Criminal Defense Lawyer

Law enforcement in the county is predominately run by the County Police Department, but County Sheriff and the Maryland State Police also have a presence in the county. As one of the two incorporated cities in the county, and one of a relatively small number in entire state, Annapolis does have its own police department. The city Police Department does not make nearly the amount of arrests as the county police, but still does play a major role in the criminal justice system. Just like most counties in the state of Maryland, Anne Arundel County has a lower crime rate than neighboring Baltimore City, and Washington D.C., but police still make thousands of arrests each year for drug crimes such as possession and distribution of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. County Police also make a large number of arrests for other non-violent crimes such as theft and burglary. Violent crime is not as common as in other counties, but there are still hundreds of assaults and incidents of domestic violence in the county each year. DUI is one of the most common crimes, and results in more arrests each year than all other crimes combined except for drug possession. DUI is also a common crime in Annapolis due to the city's popular nightlife areas, and city police always focus on these areas to make arrests. The Herbst Firm has represented numerous individuals who are arrested along Route 50 and Interstate 97, which are major thoroughfares from the Eastern Shore to the rest of Maryland and Virginia.
If you have been arrested, charged, or are being investigated, for any crime, it is important to retain a criminal lawyer with knowledge and experience in county's judicial system. The Herbst Firm is an Anne Arundel County DUI law firm that also handles drug possession cases, and domestic violence cases throughout the county. Anyone arrest in Anne Arundel County will be taken to the Jennifer Road Detention Center if the commissioner does not grant release. The other detention center in the county is located in Glen Burnie on Ordinance Road. Defendant are typically taken to this facility if their bail has been denied by a judge or if they are awaiting approval on home detention. Contact The Herbst Firm at 410-207-2598 for a free consultation at any time, day or night