
Prince George's County Bail Reviews

If a loved one has been arrested for a crime in Maryland it is important to act quickly to secure their release. Benjamin Herbst is an experienced Prince George’s County bail review lawyer who does whatever it takes to get his clients out of jail. He is prepared to stand in on short notice for both commissioner initial appearances and bail reviews at the Upper Marlboro courthouse. Benjamin has successfully argued for the release of hundreds of individuals in Maryland in crimes ranging from misdemeanor gun possession and domestic assault to felony first-degree assault, firearm possession in a drug trafficking crime, robbery and even attempted murder. He has also argued for the release of out-of-state individuals arrested on fugitive warrants from nearby states such as Virginia and Pennsylvania. Benjamin knows the arguments that will produce the best results and understands the factors that judges will consider when making a decision on bail.
A PG County arrest can occur after the service of a warrant or if police witness a crime. Those arrested on a bench or arrest warrant will typically be taken before a District Court Commissioner unless the warrant was issued by a Circuit Court judge. An example of a circuit court warrant would be a violation of probation, or if the State direct files a new case in circuit court by way of indictment or information. District Court commissioners have the authority to release most defendants unless the charge is murder or involves a crime of violence while the defendant is already pending trial on another charge. The law states commissioners can release most defendants, but whether they choose to do so is a different story. In many cases it depends on the luck of the draw, as we have seen cases where some co-defendants have been released by one commissioner and the others held on the same exact charges by a different commissioner. Either way, retaining a lawyer could be the difference between being held without bond and being released, as obtaining counsel is hard proof that a defendant is taking the charges seriously and is thus not a flight risk. Benjamin has extensive experienced representing clients at commissioner initial appearances, but if you can’t get in touch with us in time for the initial, we are standing by to show up in court.
Bail reviews in Prince George’s County are held at the Upper Marlboro courthouse at 1:15 on all business days. The State’s Attorney’s Office will have a prosecutor present and a representative from pre-trial will also be present. Pre-trial typically defers to the judge in most cases, but the Assistant State’s Attorney in court may be willing to agree to release. Regardless, whether a defendant is released is solely up to the judge. A judge can decide to release a defendant without any conditions on recognizance or unsecured bail, set a cash bail, release on pre-trial supervision, allow home detention, or hold without bond. A defendant in Prince George’s County can be ordered to be held without bond with home detention authorized on pre-trial level four. The process of releasing a defendant who is placed on the county’s home detention used to take weeks until release, but since the county was sued the process has sped up considerably. Still, it is beneficial for a defendant to request private home monitoring through A1 or ASAP, as the release could potentially occur the same day or the next day. Benjamin has worked with both major home detention companies and will continue to press them to release your loved one until he or she is released. He will also try to set up the private companies with the proper documentation required to have the State pay the monitoring fees. Don’t risk your loved on being held in jail for weeks when release is a strong possibility. Call PG County bail review lawyer Benjamin Herbst anytime for a free consultation at 410-207-2598.
Client Reviews
"I am writing this letter to thank you for doing such a great job in my case. If it were not for what you did I would still be in jail right now. My family and I are very grateful I have a second chance at life now, and if it wouldn't be like this if you were not so good at what you do. Thank you again Benjamin!" T.S.
"I want to commend you on the excellent representation that you provided on my son's case case. I truly appreciate everything you have done. You are a dedicated, very professional, and caring individual. We both wish you the utmost success in your legal career and future endeavors." Raquel and Joseph M.
"Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into defending my case. You were willing to fight for me when nobody else would believe my story, and you did not back down from the prosecutor. Another lawyer would have urged me to plead guilty, but you were willing to fight for me, and in the end justice was served. I appreciate everything you did and wish you all the best." Fred D.
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