
Anne Arundel County Bail Review Lawyer

Anne Arundel County bail reviews are held at three different courthouses, and the location of the bail hearing depends on what type of case the defendant has. Defendants who are arrested for new offenses will almost always be taken before a District Court Commissioner for an initial appearance within a few hours of the arrest. The initial appearance is sort of like a miniature bail review, and the defendant is entitled to representation by a lawyer if her or she chooses. A lawyer can argue for the defendant to be released at the initial appearance, and if the commissioner agrees, the defendant may avoid ever seeing the inside of a jail cell. For this reason, it is important to contact a lawyer as soon as the arrest occurs. Benjamin Herbst is an Anne Arundel County bail review lawyer who is available 24/7 to fight for the release of his clients. He has successfully represented clients at numerous initial appearance hearings, and has secured the release of hundreds of defendants. Benjamin can be reached at 410-207-2598 to offer a free consultation about your options after an arrest.

District Court Commissioners are not permitted to release defendants in certain circumstances, and in other cases will generally hold a defendant until they can see a judge. In domestic violence charges for violation of a protective order or pretrial condition of release the commissioner’s hands may be tied, and in other charges involving violence or the alleged use of a weapon they simply will not take a chance on releasing a defendant. Out of state defendants may also face an uphill battle in securing release from a commissioner. In these cases, the defendant will be held until the next business day so he or she can see a District Court Judge. Anne Arundel County holds district court bail reviews at the Annapolis District Court on Rowe Blvd. in the morning, and at the Glen Burnie District Court on Ritchie Highway in the afternoon. Some defendants who are arrested in the early morning hours could potentially see a judge on the same day of the arrest. Benjamin is an Anne Arundel County resident who has extensive experience representing clients at both the Annapolis and Glen Burnie courts. He fights tooth and nail to secure the release of all clients including those who are arrested on failure to appear bench warrants, new cases and violation of probation warrants.

Defendants who have been indicted or charged by criminal information will have their bail review held in the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County on Church Circle in Downtown Annapolis. The circuit court holds video bail reviews on every business day, and they are typically held in the afternoon. Defendants who are arrested on a new circuit court warrant will be scheduled for a bail review, but these cases are less common than the typical statement of charges cases that start in district court. Those who are indicted or otherwise have their cases transferred from district to circuit will not automatically have another bail review unless a lawyer files a bail review motion. A defendant will almost always be afforded a bail review hearing before a circuit court judge, so it always pays to try to file or another bail review upon being indicted. Occasionally it may be better to wait for the evidence or discovery in order to have better arguments for release, but Benjamin typically files bail reviews for his circuit court clients the minute they are given a circuit court case number.

While there are certainly worse jails around the state, Jennifer Road and Ordinance Road detention centers are not where you want your loved ones laying their heads at night. Benjamin believes that the words innocent until proven guilty have real meaning, and will do whatever it takes to make sure his clients can fight their cases from the street rather than from the inside of a cell. Contact Benjamin today to discuss bail review representation and potential defenses for the case in general. The Herbst Firm offers flexible payment plans for bail reviews and full case representation, as few people are able to plan for the arrest of a loved one.
Client Reviews
"I am writing this letter to thank you for doing such a great job in my case. If it were not for what you did I would still be in jail right now. My family and I are very grateful I have a second chance at life now, and if it wouldn't be like this if you were not so good at what you do. Thank you again Benjamin!" T.S.
"I want to commend you on the excellent representation that you provided on my son's case case. I truly appreciate everything you have done. You are a dedicated, very professional, and caring individual. We both wish you the utmost success in your legal career and future endeavors." Raquel and Joseph M.
"Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into defending my case. You were willing to fight for me when nobody else would believe my story, and you did not back down from the prosecutor. Another lawyer would have urged me to plead guilty, but you were willing to fight for me, and in the end justice was served. I appreciate everything you did and wish you all the best." Fred D.
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